
Showing posts from December, 2017

December reviews - Coco, Star Wars and Jumanji

Hey everybody, It's time for change. I am going to be honest: I am not that enthusiastic for writing reviews as I was when I started my blog. I have been the owner of this blog for two years now and I have noticed that I have not really grown in popularity. Writing a full review has become harder, especially because I write the review in two languages. That is why I am introducing a new concept. I will now release a blog at the end of each month in which I review the movies I have seen that month in just a few sentences. This will take me a lot less time to write them, because there is no pressure in writing them the same night that I have seen the movie. Maybe this way I will gain back some of the enthusiasm I had two years ago. Time to review  Coco (★★★★☆) I can honestly say that it has been a long time since I cried so hard during a movie. I have always had a weakness for animated movies, but this movie really hit me in the heart. The story is beautiful. but if you think a...