May reviews - Deadpool 2

Hey everybody,

Summer is here and people are genuinely more happier. I don't know if that's because the sun started to shine more often or because Avengers: Infinity War has become one of the biggest movie hits yet. But that movie is 'already' a month old and we still got a whole lot of great stuff coming our way.

First of all I want to apologize for this month, because as the title suggest I only will be reviewing Deadpool 2. That's pretty shameful, but I am in the final stage of my education and my personal life has been pretty hectic these past few weeks. That is why I haven't had the time yet to see Solo: A Star Wars Story. I just hope I can conclude it by the end of June.

Deadpool 2 (★★★★☆) 
Remember the speech I always give about making sequels etcetera? Well, people always expect sequels to be better then the original right? Deadpool 2 is not better then the first one, but I would say it's very similar. If you liked the first one, you will also like this one very much. This sequel features more classic Deadpool action and humor.   

There you have it, my single review of May. Again, I am sorry, but that is all I can say about it now. I hope to see you again at the end of June with a review of both Solo: A Star Wars Story, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom and hopefully many, many more.

With love,


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