June reviews - Jurassic World 2, Ocean's 8 and Star Wars

Hey everybody,

After the disapointment that was last May, June was a lot better. I got to see the Jurassic World sequel, the Ocean's spin-off with an all female cast and finally the origin of Han Solo; so let's get into that right now.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (★★★☆☆)
Who can argue with the fact that dinosaurs still hold a pretty special place in the heart of almost everybody; because seeing them on the big screen is still awesome. The Jurassic World sequel is a fun and very entertaining sequel. It's not the most original movie, but do we need any excuse to see dinosaurs be badass on the big screen? I think what saved this movie is the fact that they upped the horror-monster factor with the introduction of a new scary dinosaur, and I can only wait and see what they will bring in Jurassic World 3

Ocean's Eight (★★☆☆☆)
An Ocean's Eleven spin-off with an all female cast including Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett and Helena Bonham-Carter; sounds like an awesome idea on paper. Unfortunetly it didn't turned out that spectacular as it sounds on paper. Ocean's Eight turned out pretty dull and unappealing. The heist itself isn't very exciting, and the chemistry between the actresses is non-excisting. If only George Clooney had made an cameo ..

Solo: A Star Wars Story (★★★☆☆)
After a long time, I finally went to see this Star Wars spin off; and the fact that it took me almost 2 months to see it proves a lot of my point: did we really need this movie? Solo is a very entertaining ride and I praise Alden Ehrenreich that he was able to capture Han Solo so very well, but in the end it is very forgettable. 

So there you have it, my reviews for the past month. See you in July, when the sun is hopefully shining even more!

With love,


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