Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (EN) Review

Hey everybody,

In order to get ready for this movie I decided to rewatch Man of Steel (2013) last week. Ugh. I was then reminded why I left the theaters disappointed two years ago. I just didn't care about Superman, he just isn't interessing. Besides that the trailers had already spoiled to much so it made me a little bit sceptic for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Well .. at least it didn't get any worse then Man of Steel.

Well, let's get started. Let's just say I'll keep myself in the middle: I didn't hated it but I didn't loved it either. The whole movie just feels a bit slow. It takes a long time for the story and the action to get going. And again a whole lot of damage is inflected on Metropolis (not a big fan). But I have to give my compliments to Ben Affleck who does a great job playing Batman and Jeremy Irons playing Alfred (be prepared). T
There a lot of loose ends that need tiding up and the whole movie just feels like a set up for The Justice League Part One (2017) which it obviously is.

I just hope things will get so much better with Suicide Squad (2016) later this years. I'm really cheering for that movie because it looks so awesome.



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