Baby Driver (EN) Review

Hey everybody,

No matter what, everyone has their own expectations after seeing a trailer or preview. In addition I always try to follow my own rule: don't watch the trailer of an upcoming movie anymore 2 months before its release. My expectations of this movie wer pretty high, in my memory I loved the trailer. I think you can all guess where this is going: Baby Driver unfortunately was slightly disappointing in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, it was a pretty fun movie. It feature some great action scenes involving cars, which I always love, but the parts inbetween couldn't quiet grab my attention. I think I'd expected more action or a different sort of humor. I personally thought Jamie Foxx' character was a bit annoying with a bad sense of humor. The rest of the cast and crew deliver solid performances, my favorite delivered by Kevin Spacey. It is true though that it has defenitely one of the coolest soundtrack since Guardians of the Galaxy (2014). Music plays a huge part and gives the movie some unique sequences. Overal NOT a bad movie, I just didn't enjoyed as much as I hoped, and I would defenitly advice all of you to go see it.  



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