War for the Planet of the Apes (EN) Review
Hey everybody,
There is nothing more difficult then to bring the perfect end to a triology. To deliver an end that does justice to the serie and isn't inferior to its predecessors, isn't always Hollywood strongest point. Luckily War of the Planet of the Apes is everything you could hope for. The whole triology always had an incredibly powerful storyline, which ends in a thought provoking way. I must admit it didn't ended the way I thought it would, and the war we see is also a bit different then expected, but it keeps the movie a surprise and proves trailers can be very misleading. I'm planning a campaign to give Andy Serkis the Oscar he deserves. This man has meant so much for the movie industry and the development of motion capture. He has brought to life incredible characters like Gollum, King Kong and now Caesar. He and Woody Harrelson have a great chemistry on screen, and are worthy opponents. However the movie isn't without a few tiny flaws. It has a very strong opening, but then starts a serie of events that felt a bit stretched out for me. It also doesn't help that these apes sometimes seem to movie in slow motion, which makes some scenes feel very long. Nevertheless is War for the Planet of the Apes a certain must see, because the idea behind it may not be as fictional as you'd think.
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