Game of Thrones S07E02 Recap

Hey everybody,

Here's my weekly *SPOILER* recap of the latest Game of Thrones episode. I will list the most important developments of this week's epidose. This week's that will be Episode 2 'Stormborn'.

  • Daenerys makes sure Lord Varys his loyalty is with her. She meets with Melisandre. Tyrion advises her to send a raven to Winterfell to meet with Jon Snow. 
  • The raven from Dragonstone reaches Winterfell. Sansa and Davos don't want Jon to go, but Jon thinks he need to go because of the Dragonglass hidden beneath Dragonstone. Together with Davos he sets out to meet Daenerys and leaves Winterfell to Sansa.  
  • Jorah Mormont greyscale has progressed rapidly. The Archmaester don't think it can be cured, but luckely Samwell does. He sneaks into his room and tries to cure him with the knowledge of an old Archmaester. 
  • Cersei is seeking allies and ways to destroy Daenerys. Qyburn finds a wapen hidden beneath Kings Landing that can possibly kill Daenerys her dragons.
  • Arya reunites with Hot Pie who tells her Jon is now King in the North and the Boltons are defeated. On her way north she meets her old wolf Nymeria.
  • Yara and Theon Greyjoy, along with Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes are on their way home to Dorne to gather an army. Along the way they're attacked by their uncle Euron. Their fleet gets destroyed and Yara gets taken captive because Theon abandons her. Euron also takes Ellaria and one of her daughters captive and kills the other two.
Most important development this week is the arrangement of the meeting between Jon and Dany. Also important was the attack by Euron Greyjoy and the destruction of Yara and Theon' side of the Ironfleet. Daenerys now lost part of her Westerosi army which would help her conquer Westeros, proving that it won't go as easy as hoped. It's also suggested Euron will use Ellaria Sand and her daughter as a gift for Cersei, which he promised to bring her in episode 1!


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