Game of Thrones S07E05 Recap
- Jaime and Bronn make it out of the river alive. Jaime returns home to tell Cersei what he witnessed. He also tells her Lady Olenna killed Joffrey
- Daenerys offers the surviving Lannister soldiers a choice: bend the knee or die. Almost everybody bends the knee except for Randyll Tarly (Samwell's father) and his son Dickon Tarly. Tyrion tries to talk Daenerys out of killing them, but she makes clear she gave them a choice. Drogon then burns them alive.
- Brann wargs into a pack of ravens and sends them beyond the Wall. There he gets a glimp of the Army of the Dead marching on Eastwatch. He decides to send ravens to the people of Westeros to tell them what he has seen.
- Jon receives Brann's message. They decide they have to convince Cersei to help them defeat the White Walkers. They want to show Cersei a wight so she'll beleive they're real. He and Sir Jorah will lead a raid to capture one. Davos will smuggle Tyrion into King's Landing so he could talk to Jaime. He tells Jamie that Daenerys wants their help fighting the Army of the Dead. When Jaime tells Cersei, she agrees to meet with her. She also reveales she's pregnant again.
- Samwell is angry when the Maesters keep ignoring him. While he and Gilly study together he tells her about it while he should have been paying attention to her, because she finds an important piece of information about Jon's heritage. He steels as much books and scrolls about the Long Night as he can bring and leaves Oldtown with Gilly.
- Arya starts to spy on Littlefinger and discovers something. She thinks he doesn't know, but spying on him isn't easy.
- Jon, Davis and Jorah are accompanied beyond the Wall by a few familiair faces.
But by far the most important discovery this week is that we learn that Rhaegar Targaryen didn't kidnap Lyanna Stark, but they ran off together and got married. Which means Jon has actually more claim on the Iron Throne then Daenerys. I can't wait for Jon and Dany to find out their are related.
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