Game of Thrones S07E07 Recap

Hey everybody,

Here's my weekly *SPOILER* recap of the latest Game of Thrones episode. I will list the most important developments of this week's epidose. This week's that will be Episode 7 'The Dragon and the Wolf'.
  • Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion and the rest of their company arrive at the Dragonpit, where they planned their meeting with Cersei and Jaime. They show Cersei and Jaime the wight they brought with them who are shocked. Cersei agrees to help them as long as Jon doesn't pick a side between the two Queens, but he confesses he can't do that because he already pledged loyalty to Daenerys. Cersei blows of the deal and Tyrion is the only one who could talk her out of it with his own life on the risk. They have a heated conversation but he convinces her to join the cause and agrees to send her armies north to help fight the Army of the Dead.
  • Sansa discusses with Littlefinger what she should do about her sister Arya. He plays a little game with her and she decides Arya has to be prosecuted. The trial however isn't for Arya, but for Littlefinger himself. Sansa discovered his true nature thanks to Bran, so now he stands accused of murder and betrayal. Arya executes him by slitting his throat.
  • Jaime is about to leave with the Lannister army when Cersei tells him she isn't planning on fighting the Army of the Dead after all. Jaime is shocked to learn she lied to him and tries to convince that if she doesn't fight everybody will die. He realizes he can't convince her and leaves her. 
  • Samwell arrives at Winterfell and Bran tells him about Jon's true herritage. He reveales that Jon is the son of Rhaeger Targaryen and Lyanna Stark and that they named him Aegon Targaryen. At the same time Jon and Daenerys have grown incredibly close and have a romantic but incestuous night together not knowing it. 
  • The Army of the Dead arrive at the Wall. The Night Knight and his Ice Dragon Viserion bring down the Wall, endangering Tormund and Beric Dondarrion. The Army of the Dead finally manage to get past the Wall and are heading south to Winterfell. Winter has finally come.        
Going into Season 8 their are many questions to be answered. What happened to Tormund and Beric? How will Daenerys react when she learns Jon is her nephew? Will they be able to defeat the Army of the Dead now the Night King has a Ice Dragon? 

Well that was it, the end of the long awaited Season 7 of Game of Thrones. The season finale was long, but didn't feature much action. However that was to be expected since it's always the episode before the season finale that stands out. Season 7 felt very different from the rest of the seasons because of it's short runtime. Did you notice that Season 7 only feature one sex scene? Well I figured with such a limited runtime they didn't had time to feature more. It was a great season, but it could've been so much more. I missed the sex, extreme violence and controversy which made me love this show so much. Did you also notice that almost no one important has died this season except for Lord Baelish? I also miss the fear of not knowing whether a person will live or die. Season 8 is going to have a lot to live up to!    


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